Some aspects of Cyberpunk 2077 seem to be more effective than before the patch was released. For example, explosions no longer cause so much damage, and motorcycles have a better driving experience. Unfortunately, the list of issues that survived the update is much longer. The production of weapons still does not work correctly, many people still find that the minimap is useless, and the AI may not be edited.
An example shows the problem: Many things in Cyberpunk 2077 have been improved, but some systems have many bugs, and they don’t even work in the "better" version. A clip-on Reddit illustrates this issue. After the patch was released, the police did not produce an effect close to V. However, the production system was still impractical, so that they single-handedly dismantled the appearance of the night city, making it a lively and lifelike city.
What about performance? The primary purpose of the update is to make Cyberpunk 2077 work correctly on PS4 and Xbox One. Unfortunately, there is also a consensus here: performance has improved, but in some cases, it is only trivial. On the latest generation of consoles equipped with this patch, the frame rate seems more stable. Besides, the lighting effect and predictability are improved. There are also slow loading textures, errors, and many glitches, such as cars, which suddenly pop up and disappear.
Conclusion: Basically, Cyberpunk 2077 should now be able to play usually on all platforms. It is foreseeable that CD Projekt Red will not be able to solve all the problems of the open world. You should not expect developers to completely redo the basic system of the game in the future. From now on, it will only involve further bug fixes and minor optimizations.
The postponement of patch 1.20 has certainly thrown out many roadmaps for Cyberpunk 2077. Nevertheless, the developers still hope to stick to the previous plan, more or less. There should be minor updates and fixes throughout the year. Besides, the promised free DLC will be launched in spring and summer. The next-generation versions of PS5 and Xbox Xbox X/S will be released in the fall.
Update from 8:46 am on March 30, 2021 (patch size added)-Cyberpunk 2077 patch 1.2 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, X/S series, and PC can be downloaded (Google Stadia player: internal must Wait patiently). In GamePro, you can find all the information and patch notes.
Patch size: 44 GB (PS4, PS5) / 40.3 GB (Xbox One, X/S series)
platforms: This patch will be released on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and stadium (of course for PS5 and Xbox series X/S, since 2077 Punk playable is due to backward compatibility)
Release of patch 1.2: now available
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