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PS5 and XBox Series X-CPUs are three times more powerful than current gene developers - Xbox Series - Video Peel Messages, Instructions, Exemplary Procedures, Reviews and Culture

Erwan Lecun by Ape Tribe Games also talks about the haptically activated controller of the PS5.

The entire spectrum of specifications for both the PS5 and Xbox Series X has now been revealed, and while the debate on which of the two consoles is more powerful will continue for many years, is one thing that can not be questioned That they both are incredibly impressive hardware parts and offer unique advantages in different areas.

An element of specifications of both consoles, about which we have been telling for some time, is that both the Zen 2-CPU of AMD (or any other variations of it) will be used, which is a fairly significant progress is the current generation consoles. But how strong will this affect the game development and the type of games we will play? In an interview with Erwan Lecun, co-founder of Ape Tribe Games - Developer of the upcoming cyberpunk stealth action role-playing game Disjunktion - this is one of many questions we asked, and Lecun had some very positive things about the processors of consoles of the consoles to say next generation.

According to Lecun, Zen 2-CPUs should lead to "significant performance increases for most games", while developers can expect they can develop better-looking and better running games.

"The benchmarks for the new CPU show that it is about three times as powerful as CPUs of the current generation, which will lead to significant performance increases in most games," Lecun said. "In terms of development, it will enable us to develop nicer games that run better."

Lecun also talked to us about the capturing controller of the PS5, which in his opinion is "a cool function", however, remains skeptical whether developers will do a lot to use it in a meaningful way.

"The Haptic Activated Controller of the PS5 is definitely a cool function, but I'm skeptical, whether most developers will make special efforts to bring their games to use it," he said. "For games started on multiple systems, it may be difficult to align specific features on specific consoles when accessing only one subset of your user base."

In the same interview Lecun also talked to us about the 12 Teraflops GPUS of the Xbox Series X - read more about it here. You can read our complete interview with him here.

Ape Tribe Games, Disjunktion is planned for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC later this year, but has no concrete publication date.

Tagged with: Monkey Games, Disjunction, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Sold Out, Xbox One, Xbox Series X.
