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PS5 & Xbox Series X: Native 4k are no standard according to the Daymare developers

In May of this year, the developers of the Invader Studios announced a prequel to the Survival Horror title "Daymare 1998" with "Daymare 1994 Sandcastle".

In a current interview, the makers of the Invader Studios went to various topics and, among other things, took over for the hardware of the new console generation. According to Michele Giannone, a co-founder of the studio, the developers with the hardware of the PlayStation 5 or the Xbox Series X are largely satisfied. However, Giannone does not believe that the hardware of the new consoles is sufficient to make the native 4K resolution on the PS5 and Xbox Series X to the new standard.

Native 4K resolution continues to hardware

"We believe that this difference in indie games like our easy to work around. More power is certainly always welcome, but we can not complain about what Sony has provided. At the moment we believe that the Microsoft console easiest can achieve a native 4K resolution while we expect many titles to be displayed on the PlayStation 5 in dynamic resolution, "said Giannone.

on the subject : Daymare 1994 Sandcastle: Prequel to Daymare 1998 announced - Trailer & Details

Furthermore, it says: "It will be very difficult to see Next-Gen games in native 4k on the new platforms, as the Native 4K itself is still too for the new hardware that has been launched by Sony and Microsoft's market A lot is - especially in combination with the raytracing. "

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"The ability to render frames with lower resolutions and then re-assemble them and make them look virtually identical to 4K frames will be crucial for the developers."

Source: Gamingbolt

Further messages to PS5, Xbox Series X.

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