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Is Wow a paradise for phobia? So you master your fear!

The bloodiff removes backwards stumbling from the room. No. The word is plopped on the dusty ground of Naxxramas, dry, underlaid with a flicker of panic. He turns around and run along the corridor with clattering plate armor. Nnnnnninin. His eyes are manual. Behind him, a troll woman from the hall and leans softly sighing to the door frame. The noisy escape of the blood eleven paladin becomes quieter than he, underrushed by a distant no in a the entire corridor of the disease district. Behind the trollschamanin the door closes and she makes itself with a loving head shaking to the persecution of her friend. Nope, thank you! The spiders in Wow are particularly bad among the Games Arachnoids due to their size and realistic movement. Source: fears Do not take it that hard Spitzoehr, the first trial was already quite good! The blood eleven paladin weighs in the cutter seat before and back while stroking his liedstein. He throws the troll woman behind his Godschild a evil look and shakes. You have a good talk. I will not do any - and so I do not put a step into the Arachnidenviertel. On the face of the Paladin, the bare trails. I can not understand how you could stay so quiet. The Chairman is not a problem and old gods meanwhile I destroy with a finger snap, but spiders ... spiders are just wrong! Small dust clouds are whewed up when the shaman puts beside their friend and knocking up with an index finger against the magical shield. I know what you are for a shopping queen, you age transmogger. And if you want to have the desecrated handguards for your armor set, you have to defeat or evil Maexxna; I can not take that for you. The blood cell nods hectic, so that his fine white-blond hair slides to his face. The resting woman moves back into the backpack and the Godschild dissolves with a soft plan. You re right. I create that. My fashion awareness is bigger than my arachnophobia! My concern is fair and my style spotless! The Paladin prongs the chin and marches the corridor down to the Arachnidenviertel. My gloves will fit my pants and nothing will stop me! The trollschamanin begins to count the seconds.

How could the Titans create something with so many legs? Six legs okay, but eight are simply absurd! With a patient smile, the troll woman caresses the paladin over his head and nods. Completely absurd. It took just two dozen heartbeats until the bloodiff approached the retreat, this time on a completely panic divine Ross, which surrounded after his eviction with a sometimes of spiders and resigned with a hyperventile rider on his back. The shaman was almost sure that the look in the eyes of the horse resembled in the eyes of the paladin. She sighed. Everyone had his parcel to wear and that of their friend was just his enormous arachnophobia. At their feet, the eleven occurs again, arranges his slipped armor parts and marches with determined facial expression on the Arachnidenviertel. She is proud of him, because he is brave. Absolutely unreasonable and an incorrigible fashion victim. But brave. Horse! Save me! The voice echoes along the corridor. Besides her, the slaughter s eyes twisted and follows the summon of her friend with the golden glitter of light magic. The shaman grabs your Hearthstone card set and sits on the tiles. In the background breaks out a wild galloping, spider weaving Paladin from the Arachniden portal and rides in its direction on its unnerved Ross. The shaman bites into a stull and nods. That can take a while.

Resists your own scary effects

Welcome to World of Warcraft (Buy Now 14.99 €), we hope you have packed your heart pills. As you can already think, we dedicate ourselves to the fears and phobias in this article, which will inevitably meet us in a more than 16-year-old MMORPG. This is quite natural, because the fantasy lives from its dark places, of her threatening situations and repulsive monsters. It uses WoW, like other games, films and books, also like to take the enormous toy box full of phobias, which we lug with us on a daily basis - it is known that video games tend to pick up the phobias of their players one after the other and push them into the face as A creepy bouquet. As a fantasy role-playing, wow of course puts on scary and terrible designs - but really scary are sometimes very simple things from our everyday life. Source: fears Wow is a mixture of ghost train and therapy center for phobics: there is probably no game in which you find so many special fear triggers, as in World of Warcraft. So follow us on a small tour, as far as the most represented WoW phobias are concerned with us a look at the insights of the University of Quebec - who found that video games can help us meet our phobia in a safe frame and They even defeat them.

Arachnophobia: Who to hell invented spinning?

J.R.R. Tolkien was bitten as a child of a tarantle. He then swore as an adult that he did not develop spider phobia in fact. His experience with a huge, bite spider had nothing to do with the human spiders in the hobbit, had no influence on the even bigger and hungry spider in the Lord of the rings and completely, certainly nothing with the titanic, unholy spider from nothing beyond the Creation, which crashed the world in darkness and dropped the master of the Lord-Rings Satan in the Silmarillion like a little baby. Instead, he assured that he gave the ultimate evil the form of spiders because his son feared her spiders. Very few people then believed him. The fear of spinning or arachnophobia is the most widely used phobia in the world. On average, one of three women and one of four men suffer from a differently pronounced fear of spinning. Of course, this also fell on Findigen video game developers, because spiders are among the most common opponents who find themselves in games. Especially in Wow it is difficult to identify certain struggles or a territory that phobists should avoid, because spiders are really everywhere. Generally, if Undead are nearby, the eight-legged crabblers are probably not far.

Integrating Arachnoids of all kinds as standard enemies has such a long games story that players can now rely on each large PC game sooner or later receiving his own Spider-Mod : the community removes or replacing spiders simply and poignant Through things that do not trigger your fear. Examples are the spiders in Skyrim, which were replaced by moders by upright bears or the headcrabs in the VR game helped Life: Alyx, which were simply completely removed by MOD. Other games have recognized the signs of time and give their users a way to defuse spinning : the game Grounded is about children who have shrunk and have to survive in their own garden. Arachnophobics have a phobia slider available, with which they can set the realism of spinning - from a gigantic killer to two floating balls with glub swings is everything in it. Satisfactory replaces all spiders with his built-in phobia mode by sweet cat pictures. More of that!

Ophidiophobia: Why do it have to be quite snakes?

Like Indiana Jones, a massive part of the world s population is afraid of snakes; This type of fear assumes a very tight second place. Together with the arachnophobia, the ophidiophobia is so widespread that video games are almost with snakes. Even WOW is no exception: almost completely Draenor is for ophoid photophobics, for example, absolute restricted area, as the snakes apparently get a mixture of steroids and growth hormones. Also trolls and their culture are, by their future snakes for feathered snakes (why do they still have to fly?!) And snake gods a hot pavement for phobicist. Finally, we recommend above all phobics whose fear focuses on the mouth and head part of the snake to stay away from Vol dun. Easy to familiarize us. I avoid the entire landline. No thanks: Ophidiophobia is the fear of snakes and just behind the arachnophobia one of the most common animal-based phobias. Source: fears

Acrophobia: stays on the floor

Acrophobia is tremendous and thus to manage in WoW quite good: unlike quest creatures, you can stay away from high places away. And before she asks, yes - even virtual makes the mulmy feeling in the gastric area wide, if one stands as a acrophobic in front of a WoW abyss and views. Dalaran (and above all the sewer output) are extremely uncomfortable, while the storm peaks, howling fjord and Sturmheim as a level area are difficult to assess. As well as Hochfels by the way ... and Tiragarde and Val sharah. If you know what, just remains away from the entire north of the map. The vortex summit? We strongly recommend playing another dungeon. Wow has generally the tendency to equate power with size. We hope that you have not chosen in the Shadowlands Bastion as your pact headquarters, otherwise we have bad news for you. Torghast? Do not think about it. Oh, and have we mentioned that there is a quest in Maldraxxus, where you have to jump from a high tower to anything? Nope! Wow is a terror buffet for players with altitude. The better your visibility, the worse the effect. Dalaran is a particularly bad patch! Source: fears

Megalohydrothalassophobia: No heart for Cthulhu

The three most spreading phobias we have picked up with it, but WOW has more in stock: The so-called thalassophobia indicative of the fear of large and deep waters like oceans and lakes. Correct: Everything about Vashj ir is absolutely graying, from the intro quest to the actual zone. Alone on the sea to swimming and to know gigantic quantities of water among themselves is an absolute nightmare, as well as walking on the seabed to look up and see only ... water. The phobia is so widespread that in titles like Sea of ​​Thieves, for example, there is a float fashion , which automatically float on the water surface. Other games like Subnautica: Below Zero are practically based on the up-touch of this fear. Nespirah s image from the trading card game triggers Megalohydrothalassophobiker hard: the seahorse is as big as a brewerizer. Source: Blizzard The psychopatic brother of thalassophobia is the megalohydrothalassophobia. The megalomanious word refers to the fear of huge living beings in the water. This can be a great catfish or a shark in the real world, but also peaceful living things like whales or turtles - the phobia makes no prisoners. In Vashj ir you will find absolute super trigger like the whale shark and the creatures l ghorke and nespirah, which are so big that they are considered their own zone! Anyone who himself as a non-phobicist wants to obtain a tiny insight into the feeling of Megalohydrothalassophobia, looks for in Vol dun at the coordinations 40/2 Heymans shelving . Be courageous, the thing is far out in the sea and under water. If you arrive there, you automatically get water venting. Now blast in the horn of the abyss not far from the tavern and looks down. There you discover the twitching Leviathan , a huge octopus, which winds in the water. Floats to him. Seriously, swims on him! He will do nothing, but the fleemen feeling in your stomach gives you a soft taste of what thalassophobics have to go into water zones.

Koinoniphobie: Because of MMO

Do you know the unpleasant feeling that sets yourself when your shoulder is in shoulder in a fully occupied, small room? As Koinoniphobie, the fear of fully occupied rooms is called - it s not about the room. Instead, it is the combination of little space and many people , which is important here. And yes, the whole thing works even if it s all about the pictures or the simulation full spaces. Oribos is not a problem for the thickest peak times, as the city is almost only out of huge open space. Love for detail is in this phobia of death, because close, winding streets or even places like the fully occupied bank square of Sturmwind trigger the phobia very strong. Of course, there is no reason to fear, because originally, the phobia was accurately traced back to the natural escape instinct of man - and that in some of us in the tenth gear, when our escape routes are blocked. Can we run through our teammates at WOW? Yep. Are that interested in phobia? Nope. Alone the idea is enough to summon the sense of fear. Already hard on the border: busy, narrow streets and squares reliably release coinoniphobia - such as the banking place and the auction house of StormWind Source: fears

Champions your fear - while gambling!

Okay, we have established that Wow is a true phobia buffet, but we have good news: video games actively help you to fight your phobias through the so-called confrontation therapy! Attention, before we get evil letters from professionals: In confrontation therapy, you asks you your phobia - incorrectly applied Such confrontation the situation but rather worsen as improving. If in doubt, ask your psychotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist. Understood? Then it starts!

In 2003, an experiment was held at the University of Quebec: 26 test persons were divided into two groups, each took another type of confrontation therapy. 13 subjects were confronted with the help of former VR technology with their fears. The other half got a controller in the hand pressed and played over weeks in a controlled environment title like Resident Evil or Half-Life. The result could be seen, because after the end of the experimental time, both test groups were about the same thing that their improvement became. But how can that be?

The unambiguous answer to this question provides the Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies, whose VR laboratory has also to take place since 2020 confrontation therapies. Under the supervision of neuropsychologists there are soldiers with post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) with the help of the VR program Bravemind with their fears are confronted. The healing rate of the institute is overwhelming because it makes use of the same principles as video games. The patient is confronted in a controlled environment with the triggering stimulus. For our heroes in Games, the danger may be real, but we as a player can put us safely in the virtual worlds genuine fears. Source: fears To break down the whole extreme (extreme): The thinking part of your brain knows that everything is ok in a video game. However, the feeling part (the limbic system) throws the panic and simulates a life-threatening situation for you. The great thing about games, however, is that you expose yourself with regularly gambling and again your fear ... and nothing bad happens! Even if you are attacked by a spider, you can set to the fight or easily remove with a push of a button from the situation. Over time, the frontal lobe of the brain takes over more control in the stressful situation and your Amygdala, which is responsible for the fear, among other things, is always very activated. Due to the soft voice in the back of the head and the quiet environment of your living or study, the necessary Sweet Spot in the middle of the fear scale creates the phobia, but not to be a trembling wreck.

So we see that video games do not save any lives, but they can definitely improve for phobics. Of course, you can only be able to overcome your fears by dealing with the help of professionals and later confronted in real situations ... But to make the first steps and give your battered limbian system a little break, video games are indeed very suitable. So the next time you stand in front of a huge spider, crashes into an abyss or crashed from a sea of ​​sea, it thinks: you are stronger than your fears in the truest sense of the word. And Wow helps you a little bit thereby overcome them all.

Bonus: Accessibility in games is important

We keep hearing the argument again and again Why are spiders shortened in games? The fear belongs, do not put it on or play another game! To say it clips and clearly: a phobia is not hiring and no weakness . We have already mentioned it in the text, but at this point again, because it is important: Your brain chemistry gauks you in a real phobia a life-threatening situation. Phobists can easily break , as depression patients can take the head high . Your biochemistry does not allow the whole thing. You will be forced. The fear is really. The Game Grounded has an arachnophobia slider - at the maximum level, the spiders are two floating balls with glass swings. Source: fears The second stage of this argument is often why will not all other phobias be served ? Good question - why not? The explanation for this is two-stage: On the one hand, the arachnophobia is the most widely used phobia in the world. Almost a third of all women and a quarter of all men suffer from a spider ment of different expression. There is now close to use this phobia as spinning with the most used opponent types in games are at all. On the other hand, this type of phobia is easy to handle with just a few steps: the spinning can be easily hidden. It becomes more difficult to geometric fears like acrophobia (heightening) - games like the Last of US 2 although it simulates altogether very well, but how do you want to censor without darkening the screen every time the player looks down?

Finally, the manslag argument often comes if you can treat phobias with games, no censorship should take place here. This is nonsense, because phobia exist firstly in different characteristics and secondly one should not force a player to something he does not want. It s not about the no easy fashion for Dark Souls argument, but about access to a game that otherwise denies one otherwise by own biochemical restrictions. The more players can gamble unhindered, the better - and if there is an arachnophobia slider, they can even therape themselves in steps themselves. At least we are for more slider and barrier-free gambles!

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