The Adventure Spiritfarer from Thunder Lotus Games has received a new update. With this, the developers have brought a new spirit called Beverly, new features, Quality of Life Changes and Narrative Adjustments.
New stories and much more
Beverly is a small owl that can be found in Oxbury. She has also gotten a complete questline and a separate house donated. Furthermore, the developers have introduced a new storage system that enables the application of three storage states. The archive also offers a new station in which you can view old documents, treasure tickets and acetates. About Buck's Lottery Littery Reviews you can experience several quests with treasure tickets.
At the bar you can hear all songs of the soundtrack that you have already discovered. Furthermore, you can set up to three points for a trip, where you can also understand the required materials for buildings, houses, stations and more. The Safe Travel mode automatically skips all events on the next trip.
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In addition, numerous options for vibrations, screen wags and more have been added. The complete changes can be discovered if interested on the official site.
Spiritfarer is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, the Nintendo Switch, PC and Google Stadia. A corresponding trailer represents the new update again:
Other messages on spirit fariers.
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