Unlike other franchise films, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero will focus on heroes who have not had much prominence lately within the universe created by Akira Oriya. Gotten and Trunks were essential to defeat BUU at Dragon Ball Z, but then seem to have been somewhat forgotten. That is why DBS: Super Hero could bring them back in their versions of adolescents.
Recently, the official site of the film was updated to reveal that Takes hi Susan, voice actor of Trunks, will be an official part of this feature film. Because Super Hero is developed in the future, for this time Gotten and Trunks should be around 17 years, so it would not make sense that we see its adult versions. Of course, there is also the possibility that Susan only lend the voice of it for some flashback or something like that.
Recall that Super Hero will tell us a completely original story, that is, it will not be inspired by the manga, which until the date continues to take out new chapters. Of course, like DBS: BROLLY, This new film will be part of the official Canon of the series, so its producers should be very careful with the way they treat these characters.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero will be released at Japanese cinemas April 22, 2022. In case you missed it, here you can take a look at your most recent trailer.
Editor's note: It would definitely be interesting to know the adolescent versions of these characters, because it would be a great opportunity to show us new facets of heroes that the vast majority we know. However, it is better to maintain our expectations under control until you have more information about Super Hero.
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