Morning, March 8, 2022, is the International Women's Day. The focus of the annual event is the successes, challenges and struggles of women around the world. This year's motto is #breakthebias, which means as much as "finish with the prejudices". It's about reducing stereotypes, clichés and certain ideas about women and girls writes Also humble bundle, the digital sales portal for video games, celebrates the strength of women and now offers a games package that brings concentrated women's power.
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"Tacoma" is available for an introductory price of only one euro. In this indie game, you will find yourself in search of human traces on an abandoned room station. Who 10.55 euros for the humble Heroines bundle Breech, receives three more titles: "Gears 5", "Celeste" and "Cloudpunk". Those who want to go straight to whole will get "Severed Steel", "Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night" and "Scarlet Nexus", an action game that is above all anime fans to inspire for the price of 17.59 euros to the Added to previously mentioned games.
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Who buys the game package, not only has the opportunity to put the courage of the brave heroines on the test, but can choose as always if they or he would rather donate the money of a non-profit organization, the developers, humble or even the blog. Humble Bundle This time supports the organization Girls Who Code in its mission to advance the equality of sexes in the tech industry and to change the image that only men program. True to the motto #breakthebias.
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